General mental health

Measuring recovery in people aged 60+ with bipolar


Online interview





Time commitment

Giving consent to take part would take 10 minutes. The interview takes under 1 hour and completing the measures takes 45 minutes. Completing one measure 4 weeks later will take 15 minutes.

Taking part will therefore take about 2 hours and 10 minutes in total. This will be over at least 2 time points 4 weeks apart. If you would like to take part for a shorter amount of time over more meetings, this is absolutely fine. You would also be offered lots of breaks across the time and can pause at any point.

Rewards and expenses

As a doctoral project we have limited funding for the study and are unable to give financial compensation. You would be supporting important research.

About the study

Our hope is that by creating a measure of recovery, attention is brought to the needs of older adults who are often missed out in research. Compared to other groups, older adults are often offered reduced treatment options and have less access to services. We hope to promote more research in the area so that the needs of this group are better met.

What will it involve?

You will be asked to complete a short interview about your experiences of bipolar. You would then complete a few questionnaires and be asked to complete one further measure 4 weeks later. All contact will be either online or over the phone. All people who take part will be contacted by one researcher so you can get to know them.

This study is no longer accepting applications