Coronavirus (COVID-19)
General mental health

Interviews to explore family relationships of trans and gender diverse young (16-25) people during the pandemic


Online interview





Time commitment

About 45 minutes

Rewards and expenses

£10 Amazon voucher

About the study

This study aims to explore the experiences of young trans and gender diverse people during the Coronavirus pandemic. We are especially interested in understanding the role that the family (of choice) has played in these experiences. We hope that the information we find out will help to make the support for trans and gender diverse young people and their families better.

What will it involve?

If you choose to take part, you will be asked to take part in an online interview via MS Teams that will last about an hour. During the interview we will ask you questions about the different ways the pandemic has impacted on your life, family relationships and mental health. Therefore, some of the questions may be of a sensitive nature. You do not have to answer any question you do not wish too. With your permission, the interview will be recorded via MS Teams.

For your time, we will offer you a £10 Amazon voucher.

This study is no longer accepting applications