Suicide and self-harm

What can we learn from Further and Higher Education students' lived experiences of attempted suicide?


Online interview





Time commitment

Approximately an hour for the interview.

Rewards and expenses

We are not able to offer incentives for participating in this study

About the study

We hope that participating in this study will feel empowering. You will be making a major contribution to an under-explored area of research into suicide and suicide prevention. This study has the potential to provide valuable insights that can contribute to society's understanding of suicide and help destigmatise what has become an increasing reality for many young adults. Further aims are to help us identify some of the challenges for college/university students, what has helped/helps them to keep going, ways that they can support themselves and ways that others can provide meaningful support.

What will it involve?

The first part will be an hour-long individual interview, which will take place at a Samaritans branch near you or online, whichever you prefer. You will be asked some questions about your suicide attempt or attempts and college/university experiences. For the second part you will be invited to make up to 3 pieces of artwork in your own time to illustrate your lived experiences. You will have 4-6 weeks to do this.

This study is no longer accepting applications